React 16 Course - Managing State

state in react is a plain Javascript object used to manage data specific to some component. Keep in mind that only data that is going to be needed for rendering should belong to the state.


What Is State

So basically state is a plain Javascript object where component stores relevant data. The difference between state and any other object you can store inside your component is that React monitors it and will trigger re-render on state update.

As state updates cause re-render – it makes sense to only store variables that are needed for rendering. So if you have some variable related to the component, but that you don’t use in your render method – it makes sense to just use it as a regular instance variable and not put it into state.

Also, consider state as private to the component. So you can only access or update state from inside the component. You can’t access it from its parent nor from its children.

Difference From Props

Just like propsstate is an object and it causes the component to re-render when updated. The difference is that props come from parent component and state is internal to the component.

Also, you can’t update props inside component itself. Basically props come from outside and component has no control over it, and state is internal and component fully controls it.

Here is the diagram:

state vs props

Setting Initial State

There are several methods of defining the initial state of your component.

Using getInitialState Method

If you define your component using React.createClass – use getInitialState;

import React from 'react';

const ExampleComponent = React.createClass({
  getInitialState () {
    return {
      someKey: 'someValue'

  render() {
    return (

export default ExampleComponent;

Inside constructor Method

If you define your component using ES6 classes – define the state inside your constructor method:

import React from 'react';

class ExampleComponent extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      someKey: 'someValue'
  render() {
    return (

export default ExampleComponent;

Keep in mind that in order for this to be defined in your constructor – you should call super() first. Also, don’t forget to accept props as an argument and pass it to super as well.

As a Class Property

Another option if you use ES6 classes would be using class property. It allows you to write way less boilerplate:

import React from 'react';

class ExampleComponent extends React.Component {
  state = { someKey: 'someValue' }

  render() {
    return (

export default ExampleComponent;

Updating State

There are several things to note about updating state:

First Rule Of Updating State

And first rule of updating state is “Never tell anyone about updating state”, oh wait, it’s from somewhere else. First rule is – don’t update state directly:

// DON'T
this.state.someValueInState = 'NEW VALUE';

There is only one exception for setting state directly – you can define your initial state in your constructor

In all other places this.setState instead.

this.setState({someValueInState: 'NEW VALUE'});

Warning, setState Is Asynchronous

Here are two things to note. First, don’t rely on this.state and this.props when calculating next state, as they might be updates asynchronously.

// DON'T
  counter: this.state.counter + this.props.increment,

For such cases use the form of setState that accepts function instead of object:

this.setState((prevState, props) => ({
  counter: prevState.counter + props.increment

And second thing – as setState updates state asynchronously – you cant rely on this.state immediately after calling this.setState.

If you need some code to be executed only after state is really updated and all values are assigned – use callback provided by this.setState.

    someKey: 'someValue',
  }, () => {
    // This will be executed only after state is really updated

State Updates Are Merged

When you call setState(), React merges the object you provide into the current state. So you don’t have to worry about overriding values you don’t want to override.

Imaging having some state with two fields defined in your constructor:

constructor(props) {
  this.state = {
    someKey: 'someValue',
    someOtherKey: 'someOtherValue'

Now you can update them individually by calling setState:

  someKey: 'someNewValue'

In this example this.state.someOtherKey will remain unchanged.

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