Conditional Rendering In JSX

There are many ways to have conditional expressions in your JSX code. Let’s look at them.

If Statement

The easiest way to have condition in your render code is to use if statement in render() method of your component.

function ToDoList({ items }) {
  if (!items.length) {
    return <p>You don't have any TODO items.</p>;

  return <div>{ => <ToDoItem item={item} />)}</div>;

You can also use this method to prevent component from rendering, by returning null early in render code.

function ErrorMessage({ error }) {
  if (!error) {
    return null;

  return <div class="error">{error.message}</div>;

In this example if the prop error will be false component won’t render.

It is the most simple way, often used for early return from your component rendering code.

Ternary Operator

More compact option is to use ternary operator.

condition ? expr1 : expr2;

Here is an example.

function Greeting({ user }) {
  return <div>{user ? <p>Hello {}!</p> : <p>Please log in.</p>}</div>;

Ternary operators can be nested. Let’s have a look at this modified example for ToDoList. Now it is also accepting the isLoading prop.

function ToDoList({ items, isLoading}) {
    return isLoading ? <p>Loading...</p> : (
        items.length ? <div>{ => <ToDoItem key={} item={item} />}</div> : <p>ToDo list is empty</p>  )

In general I would recommend to avoid that as it makes code less readable.

Overall ternary operator is a great way to have conditions in your JSX. I recommend using them over if/else statements.

Logical AND

Often times you don’t need the else part of your ternary operator. Instead of returning null there you can use &&. It works like this:

<div>{isLoading && <p>Loading...</p>}</div>

If isLoading is false, this code will result in just empty <div/>.

Switch Case

You can use switch statements inside your component render() method. It can be useful when you have multiple options to render.

function Notification({ message, type }) {
  switch (type) {
    case "info":
      return <Info text={message} />;
    case "warning":
      return <Warning text={message} />;
    case "error":
      return <Error text={message} />;
      return null;

It’s important to always have the default in your switch statements.


If Javascript you can use an object consisting of key-value parts as an ENUM.

For example here is a size ENUM:

const sizes = {
  small: 1,
  medium: 2,
  large: 3

This opens great possibilities for conditional rendering in React, because you can use components as values in your ENUM and then access them by their keys.

function Notification({ message, type }) {
  return (
          INFO: <Info text={message} />,
          MESSAGE: <Warning text={message} />,
          ERROR: <Error text={message} />

This way you can use ENUMs instead of switch-case statements.